A balanced diet is essential for a healthy and shiny coat.

Grooming involves daily brushing. This will minimize shedding and promote sleek coat growth.

Dalmatians are clean dogs. Be sure they are unlikely to run into a puddle or mud. You only need to bathe twice a year. Remember to use a special shampoo. Expensive is not necessary, the main thing is that it is of high quality and suitable for wool, as well as leather.

Let the dog dry after bathing. Avoid drafts!

Not going to mess with bathing? It is better to entrust it to the professionals from the grooming salon.
Dalmatian’s claws, ears and teeth care

The ideal option is to contact the salon. Are you going to personally care? Then the following recommendations will be useful to you:

Claws. Keep them long and trim them in time. This is especially important for puppies, as their body develops quickly, and the legs tend to deform due to long claws. Don't go to extremes!
Ears. If necessary, wipe them off the accumulated sulfur and dirt with cotton swabs or discs.
Teeth. Natural food or wet food builds up plaque on the teeth. You can get rid of it by brushing your teeth. Special toothpastes with pleasant tastes for dogs are used. They are sold literally in every vet store. Do not worry about plaque if the dog eats dry food.

Remember that Dalmatians should be taught to care procedures only with affection and goodies!