Every owner wants his beloved pet to be always healthy, beautiful and happy. That is why many owners of cats and cats are interested in what vitamins their purring pet needs. Therefore, in the article we will share with our readers useful information about what vitamins a cat needs, how to choose them and how much to give.
Why does a cat need vitamins?

Often the owners of mustachioed beauties do not understand why a cat needs vitamins, because he is fed with balanced food or natural products. In fact, the situation here is exactly the same as in the case of people. We also eat many different foods, but from time to time the body needs additional vitamin supplements, otherwise its systems begin to work poorly.

In cats and cats, everything happens in the same way. If they lack the necessary vitamins, the animal often starts to get sick, its hair falls out, teeth and bones deteriorate. Therefore, those owners who want their beloved pet to live for many years need to take care of an additional complex of vitamins. It will help the animal to feel healthy and happy.
What happens if the cat is not getting enough vitamins?

When people take a kitten into the house, they should be aware that this animal needs care and attention. You can’t just drink it with milk and give something from the table. Cats grow healthy only if the owners constantly monitor nutritional balance and the presence of vitamins in their diet. When a cat lacks something, then she has:

physiological functions are disturbed;
digestive problems begin;
hair falls out; and in general, various body systems function poorly.

Are vitamin complexes necessary if the cat eats natural products?

This question is often of interest to owners, because it seems to them that there are so many vitamins in the products. In fact, this is not the case. It is not for nothing that vital elements are added specifically to industrial animal feed (and to some products for humans, by the way). That is why animals on natural food often have to add vitamin complexes to their diet. Of course, before this, you must consult with your veterinarian.

If we talk about preventive courses of vitamins recommended for cats, then on average you need to conduct two courses a year for one month.

An excess of vitamins

When giving a cat vitamin complexes, you must always know the norm, otherwise, instead of a deficiency, you can get another problem – an excess of vitamins. In order not to harm your animal, you need to know which vitamins are enough for him and which ones should be added to the diet. Because hypervitaminosis has an extremely negative effect on health.